Jumat, 18 Januari 2013


External landmarks related to body structures at the same level
BODY STRUCTURES                                                           EXTERNAL LANDMARKS
Cervical area
C1                                                                            Atlas(MAE)meatus anesticus externus
C2                                                                            Axis
C3                                                                           (Gonion) angle of mandible
C4                                                                            (crycoid)
C5                                                                           (Setinggi cartilago thyroid)
C7                                                                            Prominent
Thoracic area
T1                                                                           (Jugular notch superior 1')
T2,3                                                                        (Jugulat notch)
T4                                                                           (Axilla/sternal angle)
T7                                                                            (Papila mamae/angulus ccapula inferior)
T9,10                                                                       (Processus xypoideus)
Lumbal area
L2,3                                                                          (Lower costal margin)
L4                                                                              crista illiaca
L5                                                                             Spina illiaca anterior superior (SIAS)
Sakrum area
S1,2                                                                          Level of anterior superior illiac spine (ASIS)
Coccyx                                                                     Level of pubic symphysis and greater trochanters


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